9 Ideas for Your E-book

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9 Ideas for Your E-book

"The idea - that cold. Sooner or later, someone will catch her”

Stephen King
We continue to talk on the topic "Creating an e-book "and now let's talk about this in more detail.

And if in the previous post were recommendations regarding both free and paid books, then this article is more focused on what you are ready to sell their books. This and more specific advice.
If you know exactly what to write about - wonderful. Just sit down and get to work.
But it often happens that the book and would like to write, and it would be necessary, and to earn extra money would not hurt, but the question is: what to write about? On what topic? And suddenly, the topic you have chosen, will be of no interest to readers? What should rely on the choice of topics? Where can I get the idea? And what type of book is better to choose?
Well, try to understand.
Points that you should pay particular attention
There are things that can help you determine: whether to sell your books or your debut will fail.

1.      Book Type
2.      Topic
3.      Selected pricing strategy
4.      When conducted marketing research: before, during or after the release of the book
5.      Positioning books

The first thing you need to do - is to select the type of e-books.
You must be absolutely sure that your book will solve the problems of your readers, and most importantly - you need to be sure that they will be willing to pay for the solution of these problems.
I suggest you get acquainted with the ideas that (I hope) will help you decide on the type of your future e-book.

All of these ideas can be roughly categorize:
1.      Practical guide
2.      Tutorials
3.      Solving Problems

All leadership begins with the classic question, "How to ...". The best way to use this idea for e-book is to choose a specific problem and steps to show your readers how it can be solved. But this self-published authors lurks a common mistake - they are trying to solve too many problems in one book. The right thing would be to choose any one, as long as the problem and build around it the whole story. Drop the idea of ​​"to write about everything I know."

Remember the book "10 Days That Shook the World"?

10, 20, 30 etc. This is another way to provide readers with dedicated leadership to address the problems, and, specifies any particular time. As an example: "28 days to create a successful blog ' G. Griffiths. After reading the title, your customers or readers will know that using this practical information they can get closer to their goal for any particular length of time.

Great idea for those who are going to write about travel. You can elaborate on traveling abroad or on cars traveling with detailed calculations of the route, gasoline prices, camping and so on. This guide will save many headaches when planning their trip, receiving detailed instructions from a knowledgeable person.

100 recipes
This idea for the book will be useful for the authors of culinary blogs. For example, "100 of the best recipes of cakes." These blogs are very popular on the Internet, and books of this kind diverge like hotcakes. People pay for convenience. And they will pay for it to be a hundred amazing recipes in one place.

7 Steps.... (Steps, ideas)
In fact, the idea of ​​creating an e-book is similar to the idea of ​​the recipes, as well as you show your readers a lot of different ways to solve their problems, whether it is cooking, creating a successful blog or health. Structuring the book so you provide the reader with ideas, tips, and strategies of how to do things faster, better and more efficiently.

A Beginner's Guide
A classic example. You can create an e-book on almost any topic, write it for those who are just trying to learn something. For example, the guide for the novice gardener - "101 Tips for beginners florist." To get an effective, best-selling edition, think about their difficulties, when also something just beginning and tell readers how to avoid the "pitfalls".

Checklist or check sheet
For example, planning a wedding. People are starting to plan their wedding, long before the appointed day, because there is plenty to do - choose the venue, send out invitations, and order flowers and so on and so on ... your proposed plan with a list of what needs to be done to save the organizers of the wedding of a headache.

Top 10 mistakes that...
Top 10 mistakes ... - a guide for beginners in which you are talking about the biggest mistakes that they can avoid when trying to reach the goal. For example, an error when creating the site (I know what I say, he did so much, and this is what came of it), that is, you know, what errors have to face your readers and you know how to fix them, because they themselves have gone through this. Write a book describing the 10, 20 or more errors and detailed analysis of how to avoid or correct them, you will save a lot of time to those interested in this information, and they will be willing to pay for saved them time.

Writing a book (especially if you plan to sell it), it is a long and difficult process (believe me, I know what I'm saying), but when you follow a clear plan, business is no longer seem so impossible and difficult. Simply choose from the list 9 ideas for e-book one, and start writing!