Creating e-books

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Creating e-books

How to write an e-book?
The question of creating an e-book care, as it turned out, many readers school starts blogger.

It would seem, from a desire to be creative? Quite simply, if you open a blog, the first building block in the formation of creative around the target audience will be the creation of mailing. After all, the readers of the mailing list will be the first readers of your E-zine - blog.

And immediately raises another question: how to persuade Internet users to subscribe to your newsletter exactly? The answer is simple: it is necessary to offer them some delicious free in exchange for their email address. This will be a delicious free e-book created by you.

Step by step it will look as follows:
Is determined with the theme of the blog and the first thing doing - writing an e-book on this topic pages 15-20, trying to interest, intrigue your potential reader. This will not be a particularly difficult for you because the theme you have chosen you are interested in, and thus have gained some experience and knowledge that I will not be ashamed to share with others.
Create a mailing list on the same topic, register it, for example, on Just click, create a subscription page where and puts his free e-book in exchange for the person's email address, wished to download the book.
Leads newsletter for 1-2 months, and at the same time to create a blog for this list (in that order, and not vice versa). In this case, the question: "Who will be the first readers of my blog?" Will disappear by itself, since, first readers will become your subscribers.
Remark: This plan is ideal for those who just decided to create a blog, but still does not know where to start. If you already have a blog and then only to gather around him a target audience and, consequently, increase traffic, then act in the reverse order: first blog, then e-book and following it - sending.
But, as you can see, free e-book is an essential feature of any of these options, so let's not waste time and start to create it.

Decide with your audience
Do not rush to immediately start writing the book, first determine for whom you write. Research your target audience to make sure that your book will meet its needs. If you already have a blog, please refer to its readers with a question about what they are most concerned about what topics should be highlighted in more detail and highlight in a separate publication, etc.

Decide on the idea
Start with the basic idea that you want to convey to your reader. Record this idea and try to imagine the various aspects of its implementation. For example, you Realtor and would like to write a book on how to sell an apartment on their own, without the help of a real estate agency. In this case, your readers will want to know what the advantage of selling your own apartment, which documents must be prepared for sale, how to prepare an apartment for sale, you can do without a notary, etc. That is, you will focus on the specifics of an independent apartment sale without any help… After describing the range of issues you so weave a web of concepts, which will form the basis of your book.

Encourage assistants
It disproportionately you lighten your work if you use software for storing, retrieving and synchronizing notes ever note. On the specifics of working with it you can read here. Will be of great help to you and the program Mindjet Mind Manager Professional, which is very convenient to plan work on a book or you can use it for free analogue service Mindomo On which register and start working right away.

Where to start?
Create a mind map using Mindjet Mind Manager. This is an excellent method of brainstorming, which allows to control and keep track of their ideas. Write your topic in the middle of the sheet and a radius around her write down ideas on the implementation of this theme. As work on the book, you will easily control the entire process of writing.

Do not worry about the name, the sequence of presentation and other stylistic subtleties. You just have to sit down and start writing. It is possible that you will start from the middle of the book, or even at the end. Just remember, do not necessarily adhere to any one method. To finish the job, use any method. When all chapters are written, you can easily combine them into a single entity and, if necessary, adjust something.

How to work on a book?
Keep in mind that even the shortest of writing a book takes time and it is important that the process of writing it was continuous, so you need to allocate each day to work on the book for a while. You can put a task to write a certain number of words. And it is possible, calling upon the gadget every day to give the book a certain time. I used for this purpose a small but very useful program to mighty which helps to organize working time and significantly increase productivity without compromising health.

Tip: do not get up from your desk until you have completed what was planned according to plan, even if it seems to you that you left the Muse obviously, because it does not necessarily work today on this chapter, you can start writing or other work on the already edited written chapters.

After work on the book is finished, let it "otlezhitsya" a day or two, but in the meantime you will have a rest, to look after her critically. First run through the chapters or sections. Whether they meet the intention of the book and stand their ground? Sometimes it happens that some head acquire more sense if it is in a different place, but not where it was originally defined. Once you are satisfied with the order of the chapters, start reading each chapter, editing what you choose.

Tip: as well as writing, editing, too, requires a certain expenditure of time. Proceed in the same way as in the case of the writing process that is allocated to the editing time every day, if there is no potentiality to do it in one day (the book a little while - 15-25 pages).

Surely you have heard the phrase that editing is the soul of removal. If because of some idea or phrase breaks lose the meaning of written, do not hesitate to remove this sentence. But if this information is important, though, and does not fit in this context, drag it to the sidebar, so that later, several modified to include smoothly into the text.

Add details
If the content you are quite satisfied, you can think about the details. For example, on how best to entitle the book what to write in the introduction and which lines should be in prison.

In the Introduction, be sure to inform readers about how this book will help solve their problems.

If no killer title does not occur, the most win-win option will answer the question: "How do I ...?” In our case it is: "How to sell an apartment on their own?”

If the book uses information from other sources, put them on a link or enter in the "Bibliography".

Included in the book section of the copyright notice and conditions of use of the book.

Add an image
In selecting the images for the book should always be aware of copyright. The best way to avoid possible problems is to use a free effluents.

One last tip: create a folder in which to store all materials, anyway related to the work on the book.
As you know, dear reader, all what you have just read, only the outline of the work on the book, and the subject is much deeper and bigger. But if you first begin to create its first free, these tips, I hope, will be useful. When hand in the writing of free e-books, you can think about creating a book that is not ashamed to sell. But that's another story, which we will certainly be back.

In conclusion of this brief excursion into the history of the creation of the e-book I want to appeal to those of you who have a headache at the thought that it is necessary, finally, develop a plan for its own mailing list, it must be somehow somewhere post , somehow advertise, and preferably also to capitalize on it. If this is the case, the authors propose to use the services of the School blogger for the creation and placement of your mailing list for email services. All the details about this service can read here.