How to Write Titles for Pages?
How to Write Titles for Pages?
He question of how to write
headlines for pages, each blogger care, especially those who recently got a
blog and so far only makes the first steps in blogging.
I hope that will be useful
The first thing you
should note is that the search results showing Google
Is only the first 65-70
characters. Others simply cuts. Hence, the title page for your blog should fit
snugly in these 70 characters.
You greatly facilitate
your life, if the title page or will consist of one keyword or keyword will
become an indispensable component of the title page. This is - a guarantee that
your page does not filter out of the search results, because it is for that keyword
or key phrase it will look for users.
A good page title
suggests an emotional response, so if the title will be awarded a question (How
do I ...?), and the contents page will be the answer to this question, the
emotional response will be provided to you. The same can be said about the
promise, concluded in the page header, as is often the case on the signature
The page title is one
of the elements that search engines show users in search results. In addition,
the users themselves often refer to a particular page using its title as the
link text. This is another strong argument in favor of literate writing the
title for the blog page.
Instead of a large
number of keywords, which are often prescribed novice bloggers to each post,
it's better to work on the title in such a way that it already contains
keywords (word / phrase).
If you sell something,
imagine that you will lose your customers because they do not find your product
because of improperly formatted header page.
Format, procedure and
the choice of words in the page header should at least slightly different from
the Meta description.
When writing the title
for the blog page, try to use the word-magnets, which we will discuss in more
detail in the next post.
Good Luck!