Blogs - Satellites

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What are Blogs - Satellites?

Satellite site
To begin to define what the word "satellite".

Translated from the Latin "satellite" (steles) - bodyguard satellite.

Ignoring the historical details, let us consider that we are interested in, namely satellite - this mini-site (in this case a blog), created to promote the main site (blog), as well as earning through sale or hyperlinks to contextual advertising, Specifically, with Google Ad Sense.

Sometimes satellites create in order to fully or partially take hold of the top 10 of search engine.

Three types of satellite sites
Static sites, created without the use of the CMS and that once created, no longer being updated;
Dynamic - created based on CMS and regularly updated (they are less likely to get in the ban of search engines);
As well as doorways, whose main task - to redirect traffic to other search portals.
That is to say, the theory.

So, why do we need blogs - satellites?
In practice, however, you have, say, a blog on traditional medicine that you are promoting hard, and to help it, creating a grid of blogs satellites, ground under some one request.
For example, a blog dedicated to the treatment of joints, a blog dedicated to the treatment of hypertension, diabetes, etc.
The purpose of these blogs satellite - to lure visitors to the main blog.
All these blogs are filled with satellites corresponding to the content and move to relevant queries.

As a result, we have one main blog and many accompanying blogging - satellites, which, in fact, are the main sections of the blog.
On each of these entries, the satellite has its own RSS, their subscribers.
He sharpened by specific keywords, users and much easier to find such narrow niche blogs.
That is, we get a grid of blogs with constantly circulating traffic.
Satellites are the main suppliers of the blog targeted traffic and inbound links with the right anchors on the main blog and other satellites.
Thus, due to relink the main blog gets free traffic from blogs satellites, and the more satellites - the more free traffic get the main blog.
In addition, the presence of satellites greatly simplifies the exchange of links with niche partners when in refers to the C and A refers to B (remember, we talked about the fact that the direct interchange is not welcome?), and received a link to a blog Sat, You seek the traffic to your partner's main blog.
In addition, on each satellite we hang ads Ad Sense, and often the income from the satellite exceeds the income from the primary (main) blog.

If you build satellites with constantly updated content, each of them begins to live his life and requires constant attention to yourself, and if you still own the content writing, the time for maintenance of these blogs out infinitely many (add to this the answers to letters from readers).
To me, anyway, that's how it happened: it is a pity to throw, but terribly distracted by other projects.
Therefore, many bloggers do not particularly recommend messing with the satellites.
Just download them for 5-10 items, carry out the necessary optimization and forget about them: their task - redirect to the main blog and be carriers of external links to it - they have already done.
But in this case the special income from contextual advertising cannot be expected, and most likely in the near future, such static blogs, the satellites will fall in the ban of search engines.