Increases the Efficiency of Computer

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How can I increase the Speed of Loading the OS?

Increases the efficiency of the computer
Good day, dear reader’s school starts blogger!

Many of you have probably already come to the realization that the work of the blogger is not just about writing a unique and useful content and promoting it on social networks,  social bookmarking  and so on.
To "at speed" to perform this and other work to promote your blog on the web, the speed of the operating system also needs to be on the level.
And then, you write like this, you write a "unique and useful" peck on the, until one morning suddenly notice that over time your computer boots, you can catch more and drink some coffee, and someone else has time to smoke a cigarette and.
"What's going on? - Asks himself stunned user - why so slow and how can I fix it? "
To fix this, you need to know what happened.
Namely, before the operating system boots up, it will go through several stages - first should be the definition of "iron", then the user authentication, the download system files, image files, and launch Finally, launch applications.
When you are downloading the software you want, for sure, did not pay attention to the fact that many of them are "registered" in the start up.
And this - the first reason that increases boot time.

The second reason is the huge number of fragmented files on the hard drive.
Therefore, to accelerate the process of booting the OS of your computer, you must clean and start up and hard drive.
And So:

Stage 1

At the same time, press the keys

And R.  In the window that appears, enter the command MS configure

Go to the tab Start up
Carefully look at the list of programs.
If some of them are applications that do not require automatic loading at start up OS, then the check box next to these programs remove the flags.
Once again, check their actions (if not removed something extra!) And click OK, and then - Restart.
Watch Out!
In no case do not remove the applications that are located in the system folder
At this first stage of optimization OS completed.

Stage 2

Defragmenting the hard disk.
Thanks defragmentation optimizes the logical structure of the disk, and due to this accelerated reading and writing files, and this, in turn, affects the speed and system loading.
Let's go in order: Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - Disk Derangement
Choose a local drive and click on the button Defragment. After the end of the process - Close.
Defragmentation essence is that the files are distributed in a continuous sequence of clusters.

Stage 3

To keep abreast of what is happening in the depths of the beloved computer, it would not hurt to find out at what stage the load is a delay and fix it.

This program will help Microsoft Boots, which will provide you a report on all stages of booting and loading time of each block.

Not only.
With this program you can optimize the speed of loading the operating system by clicking Optimize System, and the next time you start the system optimization will be performed.