Types of Rights to Information Goods
Types of Rights to Information Goods
What type of rights to information goods
to choose?
We continue to talk about
selling products with resale rights, and now look at types of rights to
information products, so as not to make the wrong choice when buying
information products.
Before you buy any product
with resale rights, you must read the license, because every product has a
certain kind of rights.
If we buy some product
information, whether in the Russian segment of the Internet or in, this product
has certain rights to use it.
Personal Rights
Usually, this is the right for
personal, private use, i.e., you read, learn and apply their knowledge to solve
their problems.
Such rights have the majority
of information products.
But there are products with
broader rights of use.
Rights (Basic Resell Rights)
These are the same resale
rights, which were discussed in the previous post.
That is, if you paid for
information products, let's 500 rubles, you can safely put it on sale for the
same price, leaving 100% of the profits themselves.
As a rule, you cannot change
anything in this product: no text, no design, no authorship, do not have the
right to remove links and so on.
You simply sell the
information products in the form in which it was purchased.
The next type of rights:
Resell Rights
With this type of rights you
do not just have the ability to sell the product itself, but you can and sell
the right to resell, that is, those who will buy from you the information
products, will also be able to sell it, leaving himself all the profits.
It should be borne in mind
that the right shops come in two forms: they may be sold separately from the
That is, you can buy some
goods with personal rights (Personal Rights) for one price, but if you pay in
addition, you will also sell the resale rights to those who will buy you this
product will also be able to sell it.
This so-called individual rights.
But these rights (Master
Resell Rights) can be built into the
product, when it is already on the first page or the first video the author
tells you that you have on this product right shops.
In this case, pay extra for
the preparation of such rights is not necessary.
Another type of rights:
Label Rights
It's right on the brand when
you can assign authorship.
With these rights, you can
change the design of the product, and in general to do with it whatever you
want: to give its readers a subscription, spread as a bonus with your paid
product, and so forth.
Of the product with such
rights, you can make your own product, adding and modifying the original, and
sell it as your own.
So, if you plan on reselling
master, you must know what the difference between all these types of rights, as
they are most often found on the Internet.
There are given Away Rights -
law under which you can freely distribute this product from your website, but
do not have to sell it right.
This type of rights as Royalty
Rights, is quite rare.
With this type of rights you
can sell the product, but after each sale will have to make certain payments to
the benefit of the author.
What kind of rights has a
particular product is prescribed in the license attached to the product, which
should be read carefully.