Search for Images
Search for Images in Image: Google Goggles
can I find pictures?
Welcome respected readers school starts blogger!
Today in category interesting
in the information network of experimental technology Google Google’s for
mobile phones.
Did you know that using
Google Goggles, you can perform search for images?
Goggles - it search for images for mobile phone
Photo sent to the data center
Google, where using a special algorithm is recognized that it is depicted on
If, say, the text has been
recognized, it can be translated into another language, copy to clipboard,
search the Internet.
If the recognized landmark,
then all the information about it can be found on the Internet, on the world
map, and even ways to travel to it.
If the algorithm recognizes
the CD, DVD or book, you can read reviews about them, but at the same time and
find out where they can be purchased.
Photo cards Google’s can recognize contact
information using which you can call, write or e-mail address found on the map.
This application can also
perform the function of a bar code scanner if take a picture of the bar code of any product or medication, you can get all the information about them.
Very easy to use Google’s for
fans Sudoku- And be able to recognize and solve.
Come in Android Market and
install the Google Goggles for your Android phone!