The Virtual World has Become Closer

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The Virtual World has Become Closer 

Moving the virtual body has become a real
 Recent experiments with virtual reality devices have proven that a person can feel his "Avatar" as well as his own body.

Even if this "Avatar" has the opposite sex.

Experience conducted by led by neurologist Olaf Blanke from Center for the Study of the brain Lausanne (Switzerland), continues his survey four years ago.

Previous works have focused on the study of how our brain uses information from the senses to determine the position of the body in space.

Then, in 2007, volunteers wore eyepieces with a video screen on which the image was supplied with two chambers, removing what is happening behind the guinea, and creates the illusion of three-dimensional.

In the field of vision camera is plastic twig, and at the same time to the participants of the experiment touched the chest.

Subjects reported that they experience the illusion of being outside one's own body and watch the "eyes" of cameras, something happens to the body of another person.

The researchers concluded that these feelings that we can experience, for example, in a state of clinical death or drugged, tied with confusing sensory information coming into the brain.

During the present experiment, volunteers were in a virtual reality, and experts touched their bodies and simulated touching them "Avatar" - sometimes simultaneously, sometimes not.

At the same floor of virtual characters that were administered the experimental, not always coincide with reality.

It turned out that disparate visual and tactile data lead to the perception of the virtual body as his own.

The electrodes are connected to the head of each test, registered disorder of brain function in the temporal-parietal and frontal regions, which are responsible for the integration of information coming in through sight and touch into a single perception.

Thus, the trick the brain was quite simple, that can be useful to the creators of games based on virtual reality. The results are shown in
Conference American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), held in Washington, DC.

Prepared according to the Guardian.