Create Blog and Make Money

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How to Create a Blog and Make Money (5 easy steps)

So, you have decided to learn how to make a blog, but still vaguely imagine how this can be done.
You probably already know that the blog - is a web log or online diary, which are for business or for pleasure, and bloggers who have additional and sometimes permanent source of income is their online diary, it becomes more and more.

Here are 5 simple steps that we can take together to help you create a blog and make money on the Internet. But before we begin, let me caution: do not count on a blitzkrieg, that is, if you create a blog today - do not expect it arrived as early as next week, although this also happens :)
Opening the blog, you should be aware that embark on the creation of long-term profit, which is based will lie your own interest to something, your hobbies. Hobbies, where you can earn.
Yes, you can earn a lot of money on the internet. But unlike other traditional types of earnings, it is not guaranteed. Anyone who tells you otherwise would not be with you until the end frank.
Our goal - to help people who are really serious about building a real online business and want to make a little or a lot of money improperly.

It all depends on you...

There is a big difference between the earnings on the Internet and daily trip to work.

If you will be able to initially organize everything right - today, this week, this year - which your blog will bring you profits for years to come.
This is - an investment rather than exchanging your time for money.

So how does it work?
Search engines are the articles that you write, and over time, each such article is gaining more weight to search engines. This means that you will receive every month all the more traffic to the extent that, as your website / blog will gain credibility. It will not happen overnight. But thanks to the tenacity and work on the blog from now you'll have your own brand and will position itself as an expert in your niche.

For me and my partner Vitally Lopatin work on the Internet has become a major source of income at which there is no need to serve every day at work somewhere in a stuffy office and spend a lot of time on the road.
And we are always ready to share with you that have accumulated over several years, and help you avoid the pitfalls

Started Today

So, since I decided to start, start right now, right now.
Not tomorrow, not next week, let alone next month. Only today. "Tomorrow" - a way to escape. Today - this is the first step to success.
Oddly enough, but the first step is the hardest. And this is the place where, usually, people and stuck, and after years of bitter laments: "That's because there was a chance, and I missed it ..."

Step 1. Select the correct niche
You will, of course, had already read that it is best to choose the necessary theme for your blog, which you are passionate about to wake up every morning with a happy thought of meeting with his new hobby. On the one hand, this is so.
But, you see, if your passion - underwater basket weaving, it is unlikely you will be able to earn a lot on this blog.
When choosing a topic for a blog is often overlooked, that we should be able to find related products for promotion and then to your customer base.
My favorite combination - two in one, that is, you have to be sure that thousands of people share your enthusiasm and interest in the subject and will pay you money for goods and / or services that you offer to them from time to time in his blog and mailing.

Step 2. Choose a name for your blog
Choosing a name for your blog, probably the most difficult but also the most important part in creating a blog. To make the right choice, it is necessary to take into account many factors.
If you plan to use a blog to earn money, then it is advisable to choose a catchy name to clients and readers was easy to find you. In addition, it must be relevant to your topic, and then new visitors to quickly find your blog.

For more information on choosing a name for your blog you can read here.
And choosing a domain name, of course, should take into account the amount you'll disburse annually domain name registrar. We use the service which impresses a pleasant combination of price and quality.

Step 3: Select House Blog
Next thing to do is to find a home for your new blog. This is the place where your blog will live. This is the place where you will write articles, publish and manage a blog. This is the place where you will decorate and personalize your blog.
If you plan to create a blog for business, do not make the mistake of choosing a home for your blog free hosting. It's like that to build a house and not be able to arrange the furniture in it on your own or connect plumbing!
It is better to trust the professionals who will be engaged in maintenance of your blog, and by fully concentrate on blogging, creating unique content.
We strongly recommend Hosting Beget. Own experience and that of our clients said about how important it is to have a properly functioning hosting and a team of professionals capable of maintaining the house in good condition for the blog and relieve you of worries for managing servers and databases.

They fulfill all the technical work for you. All you need - it's just to create a blog.
Incredibly friendly technical support. You will not be alone. Competent and friendly team of professionals will always help set up a blog and answer all your questions. Pleasant and intuitive interface. Month of free service.

Beget take care of all the technical settings for correct display of your blog on the internet, and you will have everything to make a good start and easy to work on attracting traffic and the development of a blog, and avoid mistakes that we spent a lot of time looking for a decent home for your blog.

Step 4. Get help and support you need from us
The biggest mistake that novice bloggers, this is an attempt to do everything alone, without support. Do not make this mistake.

If you run a blog with our help, you will receive personal support friendly and knowledgeable team of specialists.

You get help...
Customize your blog
Theme Settings
Advertising on your blog
Addressing common issues blog
The selection of keywords, SEO, SMO and other confusing novice bloggers blogging terms.
Wherever you need help ... just ask.
Or do you have to do everything yourself, or with our help.
Plus, you install a plugin that will help you successfully start:

Word Press SEO-SEO-plugin. That will help you take a high place in the issuance of search pages.

Google XML Sitemaps - will quickly indexed in Google

Akismet - great anti-spam plugin.

Additional plug-ins for the subscription, and social media advertising.

And many, many more...

What is it all for you right?

After receiving a fully configured and optimized blog, you do not have to worry about the technical complexities, and you'll have everything in order to devote himself to earnings using your blog. This approach will save you from mistakes and cut your way to success.

Step 5. Start making money with your blog
Your blog should not be loss-making, on the contrary, not only did he himself reported to pay, but also bring you some income.

Exactly how you can make on your blog?
This can be earnings:
On advertising Google Ad Sense and other types of advertising.
On affiliate programs.
On the sale of goods with resale rights.
By selling links to services and Miralinks Gogetlinks.
On product reviews.
On an affiliate program Amazon.
On the sale of their own and others’.
On the creation of a paid account in a blog...
And it is - not all ways of earning on the blog. In the future we will be more elaborate on each of them, and yet...